Tyson's Grandma Lee is on a mission in South Africa, so we decided to take a little video of Tyson so she can see how he is growing. Ellen, we hope you enjoy this!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
We Love Candy!!!
We had a great Halloween. Spencer was a ninja, Lexi was a Care Bear, and Tyson was a ghost. Trick-or Treat!
Monday, November 9, 2009
We love our baby brother!!!
Spencer and Lexi love their little brother so much. He is such a great baby and we feel so lucky to have him in our home!
1 Week Old
4 Weeks Old
Do we look related or what!
Poor Baby Tyson
So we had a little scare a few weeks ago. Tyson developed a little temperature so I took him to the doctors and since he was only 3 weeks old they sent us to the ER at Primary Childrens hospital. They ended up finding viral meningitis (sounds scary, but it the bacterial form that is really scary) and the croupe virus. The crazy thing is that his only symptoms were a low fever and grunting. His oxygen also kept dropping and maintaining in the 70's so we ended up staying there for almost 4 days, but he is home now happy and healthy and we are so relieved.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Baby Tyson Is Here!!!
Tyson Kenneth Lee was born September 27th at 8:22am. He weighed 8lbs. 3oz. and was 21 inches long. He is healthy, happy, and we all love him so much! Thanks Carolee for taking these totally cute pictures!
Here we are in the hospital. Spencer and Lexi were so excited to finally meet their new little brother Tyson. Spencer would hold him all day if he could. Lexi didn't want to hold him at first, but now that we are home she is the best little helper-picking out his clothes and getting me diapers and wipes. They both love to give little Tyson LOTS of love. Mike and I are so grateful to have him in our home!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Am I too late to update?
So I must admit (although I am sure it is no surprise) I am not very good at this blogging thing because I am so behind. I decided since my baby is due in a couple weeks I better do some updating now, so here we go. Here are some fun pictures of our great summer!
Rededication of Grandma Pam's (Mike's mom) grave over the 24th of July.
Fun on the slip and slide and Grandma Ellen's.
Our budding dance star! Lexi took her first ballet class this summer.
Fun at Lagoon. I couldn't go on any rides, but Spencer and Lexi didn't care. The 2 of them ran from ride to ride all day long, and this one they rode 4 times!
Spencer and Mike at Wall Lake with the priests. Who knew that it would snow on them. Mike packed in a huge sleeping bag so they stayed toasty warm. Isn't that what dads are for? Way to go Mike!
Camping up near Strawberry. My parents, Jake, Abby, and Makenzie and Bowen came too. We were glad to have their company.
Our little warriors. Watch out, they can be fierce!
Mike and his brothers ran the Hobblecreek 1/2 marathon. They all finished and did a great job!
Playing in the fountain at the Gateway Mall. We spent a lot of time in the water this summer. At the pool I just beached myself on the side and my kids swam for hours. Can you believe I dared wear a bathing suit at 8 months pregnant! Well I did and it was worth it to stay cool!
First day of school. Lexi just started preschool and of course wouldn't let me walk her to school on her first day. I just had to stand in the driveway and watch. She is so independent. Spencer started Kindergarten this year. He likes it except for the every day thing. I like having the break every day though. They are both growing so fast!
Our Kitchen is Finished!!!
The finished product! We still have some exterior stuff to do, but the inside has been done since and end of July. Every day I walk into my kitchen I feel spoiled. I love all the room we have and I think it turned out excellent! Mike basically designed the whole thing and I think he did a GREAT job!

Thursday, July 16, 2009
Kitchen Updates
Our kitchen is really coming along. I figured I better put up a few more pictures so you all can see the progress. The day of not having my fridge in the living room is so close! I just can't wait!
Before and After
Sunday, May 31, 2009
New Kitchen Update
So Mike and I had a crazy idea years ago to knock out the east wall to our house and add on to our kitchen. Well that crazy idea has become reality. I forgot to take a before picture, but here are some progress pictures. It is really coming along. Luckily I have the greatest husband who made a little kitchen for us in the laundry room. He hung some old cabinets, moved down the stove, installed a sink, and even our table fits. Considering everything it hasn't been that bad, except for all the dust I have to vacuum off of everything in the current kitchen every morning. Plus we have kind of gotten use to having the fridge in the living room. Grab a spoon, a thing of ice cream, turn on your favorite movie and you're good to go!
The kitchen before the exterior wall came down.
The "BEAM" that made it possible to have a large kitchen without any supporting beams coming down. Thank you Bryce, the mastermind!
This is our new kitchen. What will we do with all this space? I am sure we will figure that out! Lexi is our little Vanna White!
Our Princess is 3!
Lexi has been talking about having a princess party for about 3 months. We told all the girls that came to the party to dress up in their princess dresses. Lexi also got some new princess dresses from her Grandma Hobbs. What a perfect day!
Lexi with her favorite new princess dress.
All the princesses!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Catch Up Time!!!
So blogging is not at the top of my priority list, but here I am going to try to catch up a little. First of all I am expecting baby #3 at the end of September. It is a boy and we are really excited! I felt pretty crummy (is that a good enough excuse of why I am so behind?), but I am finally feeling better.
Should I really claim these kids?
Spencer turned 5 and won his wrestling tournament.
I went and visited Heidi in Kansas City, by myself, no kids!!! It was a GREAT trip!
We had a great Easter. What's Easter without a ham dinner, so we had Dave and our friends Bryce, Carolee and Danika over for dinner. We are so grateful for our family and Savior Jesus Christ.
You know it's officially spring when we dust off the pop-up camper and head out for our first camping trip of the season. We went to Moab for the weekend and had a great time. We stayed at the KOA which was a good thing because when we pulled out the flashlights all of them were dead. Not very prepared campers, huh! Well, we hooked up the electricity and turned on our light in the camper. We also bought a little heater which kept us toasty all night. Here we are hiking up to Delicate Arch. Spencer hiked the whole thing and Lexi pretty much road the whole thing. No matter how many times I see this amazing site it still takes my breath away.
Spencer caught this lizard and carried it around with him for about an hour. We have now named him the lizard tamer.
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